About Me

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Hello, My name is Tina and I am huge animal lover, and have worked in the animal community for over a decade. I enjoy using the internet to share my love of animals among other things and hope to eventually start my own pet buissness.... I will update my blog on a regular basis with information and funny stuff about pets and animals so come back and check for updates from time to time... Well see ya all soon!!!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Hello and Welcome to my Blog....

Hello All! So this is my new blog and I am not sure what I am going to do with it but I will have fun figuring it out LoL... Stop by and say hi and I will see ya all later!!!
Tina aka leggokatz

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Thank you for reading my blog, I created this blog for fun and then I realized something... My passion is Animals and I may be able to share some useful information with the world....

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I would like to start with telling you why my site is called Leggokatz, I named it after my beloved 11 year old kitty cat named Leggo.... I know it is a funny name but there is a really good story behind it.
You see during the naming process this little kitten was a very hyper kitten and our 2 boys were very young. When he adopted us Richard our, 22 year old, was only 11 and had only had large dogs most of his life and Anthony, our 16 year old, was only 5 and both were HUGE Lego fans.
I remember very clearly picking up our then 5 year old from school and wanting it to be a surprise that we had a new family member so we didn't say a word. That day was our shopping day so after picking him up from school we stopped at the food mart to pick up some supplies, Anthony being very observant noticed we had grabbed a small box of kitten food, I noticed a funny little look on his face as he started paying even more attention to the items I was placing in my cart, next came the dreaded litterbox, that's when I saw those big blue eyes light up. After finishing my other shopping and watching that curious little look while I finished my list,I rememberd I was going to need a "pooper scooper".
As my husband and Anthony waited in the checkout line I ran back to the pet section and grabbed my "pooper scooper" and a few toys, when I returned to my cart I placed the toys into the basket and all of a sudden I see the biggest smile I had ever seen on Anthony's sweet little face and then he said " If I ever have a kitten I want to name him Lego". That's it just like that. No questions, no other remarks he just stated his fact and left it at that.
Of course when he got home and saw his new " little brother" he was ecstatic... But not another word about naming him Lego....A few hours later Richard returned home and noticed the litterbox and his being a little older he knew right away he had a new "sibling" so the first thing he did was grab a handful of Legos and went to find this new playmate...and that was the begining of waking up to "clicking noises" at 2am while the kitten played with his Legos ( this went on for years ).
In the following days the thought of naming him Lego faded and we were tossing around a few other names but with strong opinions from the entire family about their favorites it was hard to settle, the list included Spaz, Midnight, Shadow and a few others.
When Leggo was very young ( he came to live with us when he was 10 weeks old and only weighed about 2lbs. ) the boys had never had a critter this small and being all boys they did not understand just how fragile this little creature was so my husband and I were always yellin "STOP.. LET GO OF THE CAT". We soon realized this "innocent little creature" could defend himself and the next thing we knew we were yelling at the cat " STOP... LET GO OF THE KIDS!". After a couple of weeks of this we had started to joke about it and his official name had become Leggo.... It was'nt a name that we had chosen because it was pretty or because it was unusual or even because we all liked it, it was a name name that my kitty cat liked and thats who he turned out to be. Over the years he has earned thst name over and over again.
When Leggo was a few months old he used to literaly chase the boys up the stairs and land with all fours on those tender little backs, but of course they teased him in good natured fun to do so, they were little boys and they were unaware of how sharp those claws can get. I have many stories to share about my special kitty and I will post items in my blog as I go. He has been an inspiration to me in so many ways, He grew into a beautiful 20lb. cat with silky black fur,bright green eyes, and beleive it or not a small white "O" on his leg.

As he gets older I know are time together here on this earth will end but our bond will last forever.

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Leggo is a rescue pet as are 5 out of 6 of our family members, He was found behind my Husbands's auto repair shop with his Mother and 4 other kittens, all of his Feline Family were welcomed into warm, loving forever homes.
I started my career in the animal industry 10 years ago in a small animal hospital as a receptionist, in that time I had oppurtunities to branch off into several areas of the animal community and would like to share what I have learned. please leave your feedback and follow me for updates

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Together we can save lives... Tina aka Laggokatz